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Come to the 3rd annual projects showcase on May 3rd from 11 AM - 2 PM in BIDS (190 Doe Library). Enjoy the opportunity to hear highlights of some of the most exciting and innovating work being done on campus! Several of our researchers will be seizing the opportunity to present, demo, and do Q&A’s about their amazing work throughout the showcase, so feel free to drop in and out, and catch glimpses of the broad and diverse ecosystem that is BIDS!

Click here for more information.

What is the Data Science Education Program?

The Data Science Education Program seeks to make the ability to understand and formulate reasoning based on data accessible to all Berkeley students. Even before the first pilot offerings, a team of students were working to understand how the program could be designed to best provide what students view as essential to their college experience.

As the program continues growing, a broader team of students have come together to continue to develop this understanding from the student perspective. We interview; we discuss; we collect data; we are a part of the process of creating a data science learning community.

Learn More

For more information about data science at Berkeley, check out these websites!